Livelihoods Promotion :
SEED works primarily with the poor and marginalized farmers in the Jaipur district. Particularly we have focused oil promotion of organic farming among the farmers, in the production of vegetables and also plantation crops . We have trained farmers with the support of various resource persons on various composting techniques, sustainable agricultural practices, natural pesticides, etc thereby considerably reducing the use of chemical fertilizers, insecticides. There are two fold benefits to this. • First, the farmers reduce the expenses made for input purchases, • Second, most. important, such sustainable practices are environmentally friendly and ensure the balance of the natural ecosystem. Currently we are in the process of exploring market opportunities to sell the organic products and make value-added products to fetch better price and more income for the farmers.
Educational Scholarship Support :
Realizing the needs of the farmers and their families, we have been supporting children (particularly in government schools) for their education. We learnt that many of the students who complete class 8/ 10th, dropout and discontinue their education because of the lack of financial means to enter PUC/ college. These youths apparently take up various unskilled jobs and have no other ways of developing themselves. Through various discussions and support from generous donors, we initiated the Educational Scholarship Support (ESS) programme to provide scholarships to needy and meritorious students who want to continue their education and study in college.
Health Awareness and Prevention Programme :
The lack of awareness and access to basic health amenities has been a huge issue among the community where SEED is working. We learnt about various preventable and curable diseases like diarrhea, flu, cold & fever, TB, typhoid, among others, highly prevalent among the community, particularly the children and elderly. With the aim to offer preventive measures and also provide timely treatment to the sick, SEED has been conducting various Health Awareness Campaigns and Health Checkups in various villages. These are done free of cost to the community, with the support of local Primary Health Centres (PHCs), Anganwadi workers.
Health Awareness and Prevention Programme :
Our Organization has organized an one day health check up camp at-Village Ghantiali with Leadership of Dr. Kishor Chandra Mishra associated with Dr. Ranjit Nayak & Dr. BX Mohanty and near about 200 patients from near by villages benefited through this programme.
About Us
SEED is a registered non-governmental organisation working for the welfare of the poor and the marginalized communities in Odisha. Since its inception in 2004, SEED has been providing various needs-based support to the farming communities.
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